Job title: 助理商务应用经理Associate Business Applications Manager
Company: The Walt Disney Company
Job description: Job Posting Title: 助理商务应用经理Associate Business Applications Manager
Req ID: 10075217
Job Description:
- 您将管理和领导多个项目,从规划到实施和交付的全过程,确保项目按时、按预算、按质量完成。
- 制定项目计划,包括时间表、资源分配和任务分工,监督项目进展并及时调整以保证目标达成。
- 确定系统目标和范围,通过行业知识和调研与业务部门合作,确保项目要求满足,包括流程和差距分析、规范和设计文件。
- 有能力进行系统方案设计、规划及评估。
- 根据方案估算项目成本及控制。
- 协调内部团队和外部合作伙伴,确保项目各项活动的顺利进行。
- 协调运营部门及沟通,了解运营部门的真实需求及希望。
- 通过研究和事实调查,结合对适用业务系统和行业要求的理解,确定系统范围和目标。
- 通过跟踪活动监控项目进度,解决问题,发布进度报告,建议下一步的行动。
- 转化高级业务需求为组织功能规范,并有效管理规范变更。
- 推动测试环境并积极参与应用程序测试,为用户提供培训和培训环境的支持。
- 确保项目交付符合质量标准,并负责风险管理和问题解决。
- 及时积极和上级领导沟通及汇报。
- 后期的系统运营管理。
- 计算机科学学士学位或同等学历,至少10年相关专业工作经验。
- 具备项目管理能力,能够有效控制成本、合理安排时间,并协调用户需求。
- 出色的业务部门沟通能力,能够清晰表达并理解业务需求。
- 熟悉酒店日常操作流程,对酒店系统和零售系统及边缘系统有深入了解。
- 了解各系统平台关系及架构。
- 能够与各供应商进行高效协调沟通,管理内部团队成员。
- 出色的高层管理层沟通和协调能力,能够领导团队对营运部门的日常系统维护和管理。
- 深刻了解前台系统、零售系统、线上系统、交易和支付等各系统,并知晓其接口。
- 能够协助上级领导进行团队管理,拥有海外项目管理和乐园项目管理经验。
- 具备网络基础架构分析设计经验和一定的网络基础知识。
- 至少熟悉以下一个业务领域的系统解决方案:酒店前台和预订 (Opera)、预定渠道管理(ChinaOnline)、收益管理系统(IDeaS)。
- 精通至少一种主流编程语言(如Java、Python或Visual Studio)。
- 熟练使用数据库技术,包括SQL和MYSQL数据库。
- 理解微服务架构、云服务(如:阿里云,腾讯云)。
- 负责制定和维护技术架构蓝图,确保架构与业务目标和技术发展趋势相符。
- 跟踪行业最新技术趋势,评估和推荐新技术以提高系统性能和可靠性。
- 与团队合作开发和实施可扩展、高效和安全的软件解决方案。
- 能够在跨国公司复杂多样的业务部门中,在面向项目团队的环境中工作。
- 较强的分析和解决问题的能力,能够创造性地解决问题或找到复杂问题的替代方案。
- 较强的组织能力,能够平衡工作和领导项目,注重细节。
- 较强的人际交往能力,能够在团队环境中进行互动,并与组织内外的团队成员进行协作。
- 较强的书面和口头沟通能力。
- 具有处理机密信息的能力。
- 有具备海外项目管理者优先。
- 有具备高端酒店开业项目管理或相同体量度假区开业项目管理经验者优先。
- 具有对娱乐和旅游业的热情,及天生的好奇心和求知欲。
- 中英文口语和书写熟练。
Job Summary:
The Technology & Digital (T&D) team at Shanghai Disney Resort integrates customized technical solutions with creativity to develop powerful applications that enhance various aspects of the customer experience. The Associate Business Applications Manager is responsible for overseeing different Line of Businesses within Shanghai Disney Resort, actively engaging in user needs research, developing plans in the product, managing project implementation, and overseeing day-to-day operational maintenance.
The T&D team is seeking forward-thinking team members with extensive professional experience, dedicated to delivering high-quality products, eager to learn and grow, and willing to closely collaborate with business partners on strategic and tactical challenges.
Key Responsibilities:
- Manage and lead multiple projects from planning to implementation and delivery, ensuring projects are completed on time, within budget, and meeting quality standards.
- Develop project plans, including schedules, resource allocation, and task assignments, supervise project progress, and adjust as needed to ensure objectives are met.
- Define system objectives and scope, collaborate with business departments using industry knowledge and research to ensure project requirements are met, including process and gap analysis, specifications, and design documents.
- Capable of designing, planning, and evaluating system solutions.
- Estimate project costs and control based on the solution plan.
- Coordinate internal teams and external partners, ensuring smooth execution of project activities.
- Coordinate and communicate with operational departments to understand their actual needs and desires.
- Determine system scope and objectives through research and factual investigation, combining an understanding of applicable business systems and industry requirements.
- Monitor project progress through activity tracking, troubleshoot issues, issue progress reports, suggest next steps.
- Translate advanced business requirements into organizational functional specifications and effectively manage specification changes.
- Drive testing environments and actively participate in application testing, providing training and support for users and training environments.
- Ensure project delivery meets quality standards and take responsibility for risk management and problem resolution.
- Timely and actively communicate and report to manager.
- Post-implementation system operations management.
Desired Qualifications:
- Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or equivalent, with at least 10 years of relevant professional experience.
- Proficiency in project management, effectively controlling costs, scheduling time reasonably, and coordinating user requirements.
- Excellent business department communication skills, able to clearly express and understand business requirements.
- Familiarity with daily hotel operation processes, in-depth understanding of hotel systems, retail systems, and peripheral systems.
- Understanding of platform relationships and architectures for various systems.
- Efficient coordination and communication with various suppliers, managing internal team member arrangements and management.
- Excellent communication and coordination skills with senior management, capable of leading teams in the daily system maintenance and management of operational departments.
- Profound understanding of various systems such as front desk systems, retail systems, online systems, transactions, and payments, and awareness of their interfaces.
- Ability to assist senior leadership in team management, with experience in managing overseas and theme park projects.
- Experience in network infrastructure analysis and design, along with fundamental network knowledge.
- Familiarity with at least one system solution in the following business areas: Front Desk and Reservations (Opera), Reservation Channel Management (ChinaOnline), Revenue Management System (IDeaS).
- Proficient in at least one mainstream programming language (such as Java, Python, or Visual Studio).
- Skilled in database technologies, including SQL and MYSQL databases.
- Understanding of micro-services architecture and cloud services (e.g., Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud).
- Responsible for developing and maintaining the technical architecture blueprint, ensuring it aligns with business objectives and technological trends.
- Keep track of the latest industry technology trends, evaluating and recommending new technologies to enhance system performance and reliability.
- Collaborate with the team to develop and implement scalable, efficient, and secure software solutions.
- Ability to work in a multinational company’s diverse business departments in a project team-oriented environment.
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, capable of developing creative solutions for complex problems.
- Strong organizational skills, balancing work and leading projects with attention to detail.
- Strong interpersonal skills, able to interact within a team environment and collaborate with team members both internally and externally.
- Strong written and verbal communication skills.
- Ability to handle confidential information.
- Priority given to candidates with overseas project management experience.
- Priority given to candidates with luxury hotel pre-opening project experience or similar scale resort pre-opening project management experience.
- Enthusiasm for the entertainment and tourism industry,innate curiosity and thirst for knowledge.
- Proficiency in both spoken and written Chinese and English.
Job Posting Segment: Technology & Digital
Job Posting Primary Business: T&D – Information Technology (SHDR)
Primary Job Posting Category: Business & Information Analysis
Employment Type: Full time
Primary City, State, Region, Postal Code: Shanghai, China
Alternate City, State, Region, Postal Code:
Date Posted: 2024-02-04
Expected salary:
Location: 上海市
Job date: Tue, 06 Feb 2024 06:46:32 GMT
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