Job title: 【TW】Senior Frontend Engineer (React) 資深前端工程師
Company: Crescendo Lab
Job description: 漸強實驗室的主要產品是 SaaS 平台 Messaging Analytics & Automation Cloud (MAAC),以及 Conversation Analytics and Automation Cloud (CAAC),為目前業界領先的 MarTech 解決方案。這兩項產品服務的企業客戶,包含數百家不同產業的知名跨國企業。在漸強你所開發的功能會真正影響到人們,在生活中也常常發現自己開發的功能正在被店家所使用。身為漸強工程團隊的一員,你會參與完整的產品開發週期,不只是交付需求,更可以提供你的想法,來影響產品走向,幫助產品成長。團隊成員都樂於分享且對技術非常有熱誠,主動學習追求各種新技術,每週都有工程討論會議,討論與分享技術大小事。我們擁抱非同步溝通,致力減少不必要的會議並尊重工程師的心流時間。自由透明的文化,可以自己安排工作時間,不受限制的假日天數,最重要的是,漸強追求彈性以及高效的工作環境。目前我們的後台每月發送近 5 億則個人化的訊息 並且與 2千多萬名的使用者互動,每日處理數 TB級 的數據來做分析以及 AI 應用。身為一位後端工程師,在這裡你會學習到如何處理百萬的流量,持續優化、建置彈性可靠的後端系統,並且有機會帶領小隊打造產品功能。你也將一起型塑工程團隊的文化、優化工作流程以及跨團隊合作方式,這會非常有趣且充滿挑戰,期待你的加入!
What You’ll do
- Work closely with product managers and designers to transform ideas into successful product outcomes.
- Lead and collaborate with other engineers and take ownership to deliver solutions from product requirements.
- Deliver high-quality, reusable, and maintainable solutions using engineering best practices.
- Optimize applications and data pipelines for maximum performance and scalability.
- Promote a positive engineering culture by setting the standard and leading by example.
◎ 安心保障
- 法定保障-勞保、健保、勞退提撥
- 貼心保障-到職滿一年,即享有每年1萬元健康檢查補助
◎ 彈性工作環境
- 小巨蛋站步行 8分鐘,上下班交通方便
- 彈性上下班時間,可安排遠端上班
- 開放式工作空間,你可以選擇在任何舒適的角落工作
◎ 公司文化
- 年輕團隊,扁平組織,去官僚化的快速溝通
- 互相包容尊重、講求效率與信任
- 所有的意見都會被重視,一起學習成長
◎ 福利制度
- 到職即享有無期限休假,只要工作能完成,連休沒有上限!(所有假別皆不扣薪)
- 公司提供高規的 MAC 筆電 or 補助3萬自己買
- 每個月零食櫃更新,還有各式咖啡、茶,隨時補充能量
- 定期公司聚餐,投票去吃大餐
- 每週免費按摩,放鬆緊繃身體
- 每季Team Building活動,一起同樂去
◎ 進修機會
- 公司補助參加 Workshop 或進修課程,讓你學習到業界最新的知識
- 不定期的業界人士內部分享,讓你了解業界的的最新脈動 (之前請過北美 Google,矽谷工程來、大數據工程師來分享業界最新動態)
- 更多詳情請閱讀公司部落格:
Profil demandé
Required Qualifications
- 4+ years of experience in designing and developing web applications.
- Ability to take ownership of product requirements and drive them to delivery.
- Solid understanding of React Hooks and TypeScript.
- Proficiency in CSS-in-JS or other styling methodologies.
- Proficiency in working with RESTful or similar APIs.
- Proficiency in using Git for version control and can implement CI/CD
- Working proficiency level in English.
Preferred Qualifications
- Experience with g11n, i18n, or l10n in building software.
- Experience with collaborating with designers and building design system components
- Experience with packaging and publishing packages to npm or other registries
- Familiarity with WebSocket and PWA technology
- Experience with automated E2E testing (e.g., Cypress/Playwright)
Our Tech Stack
- TypeScript 5
- React 18, Vue 3
- Node.js, pnpm
- Vite, Vitest
- i18next, Zod, Zodios, Tanstack Query, Zustand
- Ant Design 5, Ant Design Chart
- Emotion (CSS-in-JS library)
- Storybook 7 (hosted on Chromatic)
- Sentry, Mock Service Worker, Cypress
- GitHub Packages, GitHub Actions
- Firebase Hosting
Interview process
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4 years of experience required
1,300,000 ~ 1,700,000 TWD / année
Travail à Distance Partiel
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Temps plein
80K ~ 180K TWD / mois
51 – 200 people
À propos de nous
漸強實驗室成立於 2017 年,致力於開發與應用 MarTech 行銷科技,相信科技與數據能放大對話價值,幫助企業與品牌數位轉型與精準行銷,創造美好顧客體驗。漸強投資於科技與數據,相信科技與數據能提升廣告和訊息推播的效率,也相信以 Data 為中心的 Martech (Marketing Technology) 是最近十年來最蓬勃的數位廣告科技趨勢。
我們結合 AI 與行銷自動化等應用,開發兩大產品:
- 全方位行銷平台 MAAC(Messaging Analytics Automation Cloud)
- 對話式互動平台 CAAC(Conversation Analytics Automation Cloud)
漸強深耕 LINE 官方帳號,獲 LINE 官方帳號唯一金級技術夥伴認證,並擴及 SMS 簡訊等多渠道,提供行銷、客服、銷售三大面向解決方案。
我們也跨足台灣、日本、泰國市場,旗下客戶橫跨電商、零售、媒體、汽車、醫藥、餐飲、金融、政府等多元產業,至今服務超過 500 間品牌,包括 IKEA、樂天市場、PChome、星巴克、H&M、GAP 等。
Crescendo Lab was established in 2017 with a commitment to developing and applying MarTech marketing technology. We believe in amplifying the value of conversations through the use of technology and data, helping businesses and brands undergo digital transformation and precision marketing to create exceptional customer experiences.Crescendo Lab Ltd. is a technology and data-driven company dedicated to enhancing the efficiency of advertising and message dissemination. We believe that data-driven marketing technology(Martech) is the most vibrant digital advertising technology trend in the last decade.We integrate AI and marketing automation to create two flagship products:Messaging Analytics Automation Cloud (MAAC) – a comprehensive marketing platform.
Conversation Analytics Automation Cloud (CAAC) – an interactive platform for dialogues.Crescendo Lab specializes in LINE Official Accounts, holding the only Gold-level certification as LINE’s exclusive tech and solution partner. Our reach extends to multiple channels, including SMS, offering solutions in marketing, customer service, and sales.We have a presence in diverse markets such as Taiwan, Japan, and Thailand, serving over 500 brands across various industries, including e-commerce, retail, media, automotive, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, finance, and government. Our clientele includes renowned brands such as IKEA, Rakuten, PChome, Starbucks, H&M, and GAP.
Backend Team Lead
Customer Success Manager
People Generalist
Sr. Product Designer
Offres d’emploi
Temps plein
Ancienneté moyenne à supérieur
1.3M ~ 1.7M TWD / année
Postuler Maintenant
Temps plein
Ancienneté moyenne à supérieur
5.5M ~ 7M JPY / année
Postuler Maintenant
Temps plein
Ancienneté moyenne à supérieur
50K ~ 70K TWD / mois
Postuler Maintenant
© 2024 CakeResume
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Expected salary:
Location: Taiwan
Job date: Fri, 16 Feb 2024 00:09:06 GMT
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